What we’re about


“Pursuing Jesus and sharing His extraordinary love”

Our vision is to see a vibrant church pursuing the Way of Jesus together while living lives that see our communities, this city that we love, be transformed by His extraordinary love, big enough to make a difference, small enough to feel like home (Known and loved) and have fun along the way.

Whether it's as a community of people when we gather together or wherever we find ourselves in the everyday moments of life, we want to simply live authentically as Kingdom of God people - loving those around us, growing closer to Jesus to be more like Him (forming our lives into His likeness), and do what He’s calling us to do.

Why we exist

“Belong. Hope. Inspire.

Our heart is to welcome people home, to help each person discover belonging, find hope in Jesus, and inspire change in our city and in our world.

Where we’re headed…

As we head into the future, we love the vision God’s given us for this place. Together, we see:

A community of people who cultivate belonging, who create an atmosphere where everyone is welcome, invited and can come as they are no matter their journey, where people feel seen, known and loved in an authentic community from the moment they step inside.

A church that’s intergenerational, where we do everything we can to love and raise the next generations, together. A place where our children matter, where our youth matter, where our young adults matter - a safe and accessible place for each person.

A church that values the presence of Jesus above everything else, where we’re led by His spirit. A place where everyone can experience His love, that sees the lost saved and the saved transformed, where we help people to know, follow and be more like Jesus together.

A church that’s not bound by its walls, that doesn’t forget those in need, loving and serving the people around us. We don’t want to be just another church on the street but a place that is active in every part of our community, making a difference and inspiring change, empowering people to do what God has stirred in their hearts.


 We have a lot of different things that we cherish, but as a church starting up, we want to make sure that we’re committed to these things:

Jesus centred - Jesus is at the centre and everything flows out of that.

Live generously - We’re generous because God is so extravagantly generous to us and so we share this with others through our time, talents and finances.

We’re ‘real’ people - We’re all on a journey, learning and discovering together.

We love to have fun - Building a culture of fun, laughter and life.

Life together - Where friendships are formed and family is developed as we do life and ministry together.

Everyone can make a difference - Inspiring change, doing whatever it is Jesus calls us to do.

Gather together - Gatherings aren’t just somewhere we go, but places to belong with people we call family. Encouraging, loving, inviting, and growing deeper together.

Welcome home!