Got questions? Here’s where you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions.

What are the ways I can get involved?

We believe everyone can play a part in making this home together. Here’s how you can get involved:

By praying for us. It all begins with prayer. We believe God’s given us a big vision for this home we’re building together and we need him in every step of the way. We'd love you to commit to praying for Northwest Vineyard, for the people called to join us, our communities, and finances on a regular basis. Let us know so we can keep you updated - email us at: northwestvc@gmail.com.

By joining with us on this adventure. We’d love for you to join us and help make this dream a reality together. If God’s been drawing your attention to this, if you feel any sense of call to see what this is about and where it could lead then we’d love to meet you and chat more over coffee. Connect with us here!

Through provision of finances. We believe we’re invited to live generous lives in response to God’s generosity to us. Your generosity makes a huge difference and goes a long way as we partner together to reach our communities and our city. We’d love you to get involved through supporting us financially, and you can do so by going to our Give page.

Sometimes just getting started is the hardest part, but all it takes is the first step. Ask God what part He has for you and step into it.

When are your gatherings?

Throughout this season and in preparing for the next as we build a foundation to launch, we gather on a Sunday at 10am, enjoying a low key vibe of connecting and building community for the future. This is the first stage of establishing Northwest Vineyard together. These Sundays are a beautiful expression of a family coming together where we worship, pray, eat together, talk, make friends, laugh a lot, and wait on God together. They’re very family-friendly and super easy to be a part of so that everyone can feel welcome and invited. There’s always Good food and coffee, with the occasional brunch or lunch as well. We have a short kids programme that will continue through until our official launch.

As we journey, we’ll make space on other occasions to gather as a team to pray, dream, laugh and plan ahead for our launch.

There’ll also be other fun-filled adventures and events threaded throughout where community, connection, and friendships are formed.


When is Northwest Vineyard Church launching?

Over the next few months we’re focusing on gathering a strong, healthy community of people to make this dream a reality. As we do, we want to identify and connect with people who feel called to Northwest Vineyard, or who may want to know a little more and see where it could lead. We’ll be focusing on building culture and community, laying a foundation, raising up leaders, and having fun along the way.

There’s a saying, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.” Our heart is to go together. So us officially launching Northwest Vineyard is based on gathering a strong, healthy community of people.

Our dream is to launch in 2024.


If I have kids and young people, are they welcome to come too?

Yes! At Northwest Vineyard we absolutely love kids and young people. We believe that the next generation is the now generation, and they get to play their part too. Our heart and priority here at Northwest Vineyard is to make a home together for the whole family, a home where every person, age and stage feels like they belong too.

We can’t wait to meet your family to grow together, inspire change, and have fun along the way!


What is the leadership structure at Northwest Vineyard Church?

Vineyard churches embrace a form of episcopal church government, along with the majority of Christian churches today.

Vineyard churches are charitable trusts registered with the Justice Department, and are legally autonomous. The board is made up of team members, Lead Pastors and external people. The board undertake and fulfil all the legal requirements for the Trust, and who make decisions regarding all the churches legal, financial and business matters within Northwest Vineyard. Matters relating to the spiritual life of the church are entrusted to the leadership team. The Lead Pastors are accountable to the board.


What do you believe?

Our ultimate authority for living out our faith is found in scripture, we believe that the bible is the Inspired living word of God. For us, the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed are two early confessions of faith that sum up our beliefs. What we believe about Jesus returning has a massive impact on the way we live now. It affects our priorities, our relationships, what we do with our time and resources, and how we engage with our environment. We are a church plant wanting to partner with God in what He’s doing right now, and play our part in His restoration of all things.

Foundationally, at Northwest Vineyard we align ourselves completely with the Vineyard Statement of Faith which you can read here.


Got more questions?

Connect with us. We’d love to meet you and answer any questions you might have, reach out here.

Or, send an email and Let us know - northwestvc@gmail.com.